Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Crunwere Gravestone Survey 2006/2007


With the grant from PAVS expiring on 21st January 2008 we managed to finish the work with just days to spare, due mainly to bad weather and illness.

The survey consisted of a photograph of each grave (296 in total in the parish church and two chapels). We then made out a sheet for each grave and used codes (taken from Harold Mytum's book) to categorise the styles of gravestone. We also collected the verses off the stones.

The names and dates of those buried had been collected previously and published in our Burial Booklet.

One copy of the survey has been sent to Harold Mytum of Liverpool University as he is doing research into Pembrokeshire gravestone styles.

Another has been deposited at the Record Office, Haverfordwest.

We will be keeping the original photographs and one copy for ourselves.

We will also be giving copies of the relevent sections to Rev'd Geach (for Crunwere Church), Amroth Community Council (for Mountain Chapel) and E.C.Thomas & Sons (for Zoar Chapel of Rest).

Thanks to Ruth and Andy Webb, who, together with John Lewis-Tunster, took all the photographs and also to Ruth Webb who collected the verses off the gravestones. Ruth Roberts put the files together and stuck in all the photographs (which were all ordered via Kodak over the internet and delivered very promptly).

Ruth and Andy managed to decipher some gravestones that we had previously marked as ‘illegible’ in our earlier Grave Booklet and even managed to find three ‘new’ gravestones – which is another story!

We do sell a booklet for £3 with graveyard plans and the names from the stones plus relevant details like age and address.


  1. Hello Ruth
    can you tell me where to look for info of the Bowen family of Amroth if
    there is any? love your website.
    Regards Maureen

  2. Depends what you are looking for really. Billion Graves has lots of grave details. Ancestry has censuses etc. What details do you already have?
